Some type of elastic controller is the very first thing on Animal Crossing Bells my buy list when and if I am able to get my clients back or gain new ones. Seeing this gives me hope that I'm still going to be able to match!
When you're speaking of this community as a whole or do not know the individual both are fine. Some individuals have a preference and a few don't. So long as you continue requesting and adhere with some kind of handicapped or handicap you should be OK. I myself use both depending on my audience or even the way the words flow and don't really care which you use. OP may feel differently but as you asked about more than just OP I thought I would let you know my feelings.
In my personal (albeit anecdotal) experience many'people with disabilities' (like myself) vastly prefer disabled folks to people with disabilities ( which we all came to that conclusion independently really says a thing, I presume .)
To me it sounds'individuals with disabilities is a phrase that has come from people that are not disabled, thinking that we do not want our identities concentrated on what we can not do. Disregard whatever anybody without a disability writes or says about it ( even If They're a doctor or say they're an ally) just take on board the opinion of disabled Men and Women
At least in the medical field, we've been moving away from'disabled people' toward'people with disabilities', because the former makes it seem that the disability is central to the person, whereas the latter places the individual first, along with the disability is just something that they have been possess.
Edit: Hmm upon further study, I've discovered that this is really a point of contention, and also the use of'disabled people' has been pushed in part because of the idea that the planet is the one that's not equipped adequately to include themand thus they are'handicapped' by the planet. However it seems there's a good amount support for both sides, so it has been interesting to hear your viewpoints. Some guidelines call for authors to ask the individual being known (if a specific person is being referred to) exactly what their taste is, just because of buy Animal Crossing Items these disagreements. Some other initiatives include avoiding the use of the phrase'normal' (for example using words such as'typical' rather ), not certain what you think about that?